Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Apple Ipods and it's fucking mindless drone users who think ipods are the best player there is because they don't do any fucking research and just buy "whatever's popular" I see so many white earbuds on the train with people who think they're fucking hip, but really look like morons who can't think for themselves. I hate Apple fanboys who can't see past their beloved computers and ipods to see that they suck in comparison to others. I hate that Apple has the namesake and money to pay off Cnet and other review sites, and have the money and domination over tv networks to broadcast their idiotic commericals and advertisements so that no one else sees any other motherfucking player.

I HATE reality tv shows and the cancerous virus infected epidemic that it has become. FUCK AMERICAN IDOL, FUCK SURVIVOR, FUCK BIG BROTHER, FUCK THE BACHELOR. You call this shit entertaining?, well FUCK YOU TOO. This is the demise of television. It has become so bad that many quality sitcoms that would normally come on during this time are being turned down and substitute with pure and utter SHIT. You want a fucking survivor show? show one where PEOPLE ACTUALLY DIE., maybe then I'll have some interest in it. It's not real when every fucking person looks like a fucking model and everyone survives.

I HATE people who always talk in a condescending way, especially when reffering to music. Those morons who call you stupid and retarded because you like a band that they don't like. NEWSFLASH: THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU, FUCKER. I also hate those people who brag because they know all these indie bands and they claim to like indie music as if they're all the same thing. Indie=short for independent. This does NOT mean they all sound the same.

I HATE idiots who smoke their whole life and get cancer and file lawsuits against the tobacco industry as if it's their fault and their fault alone. Yeah smoking is a horrible addiction blah blah blah, and oh I had no control over it BLAH BLAH BLAH. Oh please, give me a fucking break, in this day and age where information is everywhere you turn you mean to tell me you don't know the risks of smoking? You think you'll be one of the lucky one's who won't get cancer or any other ailments? I'll be the one laughing at your naive ass when you die.

I HATE bloggers who don't deserve any bit of the attention they have and probably only get it because of who they know and/or married to. I also HATE the commenters on those blogs who will praise the ever living fuck out of whatever garbage that person posts. For example a random picture of say SHIT will get comments like "Wow, that's beautiful" , "That's the best picture I ever seen" "I could hang that on my wall" "AMAZING!" "Holy shit, I could cry, this thing is so good" These same undeserving bloggers could say "I have nothing to say" and will get 100 comments of people saying "You're so funny!" and all other comments that will severely damage any ass-kissing meter. This may come off as jealousy but I assure you it is not. I don't blog for anyone but myself and I think I do a damn good job of expressing my many talents. I guess people who post nothing are expressing themselves too.

to be continued...

posted by psychobabbler @ 2:18 PM