Thursday, September 15, 2005


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So this was a popup I received the other day and I found the wording to be funny. Now I know Bush is a pretty bad president but maybe people are taking it too far when they start blaming him for naturally occuring phenomena. I'm also getting word that the court case for Tsunami victims Vs. Kim Jong-il is fast appoaching and let us not forget the day when Hitler started those forest fires (Smokey the Bear was fucking pissed). Now that i'm writing all this saracastic stuff I'm kind of getting jealous. I mean, you really know you've made it when someone blames you for a natural distater. Hell I'd even take a hurricane named after me. I don't remember there being a "Hurricane Michael", because I certainly don't remember me yelling and bragging to everyone saying Hey Hey LOOK AT ME IM A HURRICANE!!, which I obviously would've have done at the time. Since it seems like they're at the letter O right now, I guess i'll have to wait till next year.

posted by psychobabbler @ 1:41 PM