Friday, May 06, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

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So I just got home from watching this. It's directed by Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Black Hawk Down....). It was a very good epic. It had similiar themes to Gladiator (One hero, wife and kid dead, father-like figure leaves him in charge of a city....). This movie was about the religious crusades and takes places in the 12th century. The direction and cinematography were top notch. There's a lot of symbolism in it, that Scott wants the audience to see with relation to the feuds between christians and muslims and our current events. Finally, although people will bash him before seeing this movie, Orlando Bloom was actually good in this movie. His character matured throughout the film, and by the end I was actually moved by Bloom's performance. The fight scenes are great, and reminded me of battle sequences in LOTR (Two Towers...), but better. All in all a good story, good score, and great war scenes. Scott definitely knows how to create the perfect environment for battle sequences to take place.


posted by psychobabbler @ 9:58 PM