Friday, May 20, 2005

Our Evil Empire

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So last night I saw Star Wars: Episode III. I've seen the original trilogy and I thought the mood was dark then. I didn't think Lucas could create an even darker atmosphere than that. The film starts off with a bang, as the audience is thrown right into the middle of a space battle. After this, everything goes a bit more slowly and I must say I wasn't that interested in it. There was a lot of drama between Padme and Anakin, and a bit too much mushiness for my taste. I like romance to be more subtle, like the original movies because it takes away from the sci-fi genre (especially for this film). The film is building up and I'm patiently waiting for it to get better, and then it happens. The transformation from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader was simply incredible to watch. It was what I paid for, it had me literally at the edge of my seat for the last 40 minutes. After the movie ended I had a feeling closure for this great epic, yet it left me wanting so much more. The prequels could not compare with the originals, even if we all wanted them too. Whether it was too much CGI, bad acting, lackluster plots or a combination of these, it just ddn't give you that "warm fuzzy feeling" like the originals did. The last 40 minutes of Revenge of the Sith not only saved this movie, but in a way redeemed Lucas for a lot of the mishaps he has done with these prequels.

Movie as a whole: ***
Last 40 minutes (or so): ****

On a final note, as I was walking out of the theatre a man was handing out these papers. I took a glimpse at it, but I didn't pay any attention to it. When I was on the train I decided to look at it, and it basically compared the Star Wars to our current situations in the world. The movie itself also seemed to be throwing punches at Bush. I'll post it here for you to read:

The Dark Side

It seems that in the times we live in Star Wars reflects a great deal of our world. If you look at our situation in Iraq you can see the Empire in full effect. Unfortunately we are part of the Empire. Bush Vader wants the entire world and all its natural resources to himself. This is for real and guess what? last months military's recruitment rate came up 43 percent short of there expected figures. I smell a draft coming so if you ever wanted to be a storm trooper your wish will soon be granted. In Star Wars we have the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. I urge you to become part of a true rebel alliance. If you can focus as much time and money on a fictional war then you have no excuses not to spend it on a real war which very soon you may be part of. Do not turn to the dark side of the force.


posted by psychobabbler @ 6:36 PM