Friday, July 08, 2005

I'll be a tidal wave when I grow up...

Michael's photo of the week:

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Photo by Michael Peartree (me)

Michael's soundtrack of the week:

Wintersleep- Orca
Modest Mouse- I Came as a Rat
Jet- Get What you need
Limblifter- Vicious
The New Pornagraphers- The Laws Have Changed
The Doors- Soul Kitchen
Manic Street Preachers- PCP
White Stripes- Offend in Every Way
Queens of the Stone Age- Long Slow Goodbye
Sufjan Stevens- All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace!

Michael's movie of the week:

The Brain that wouldn't die (1962)

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I've seen a lot of interesting and cheesy movies this week and this would probably top the list. It's a movie that's bad in a good way. For it's time it was much gorier than most movies and has a sort of cult following. It depicts a story of a doctor who has gone mad with his ideas for a new kind of science where patients can be patched up with new and old parts and be brought back from the dead and have a prolonged life. When his girlfriend is caught in a fire, he only manages to save her head and promises her a new body. He puts her head on this table and connects all these these crazy tubes. He injects his special "serum" and whaddayaknow, she's alive again!. He really is quite insane and isn't even that shy about this fact. It's not scary or anything, just weird and amusing to watch. Of course everything isn't as planned for the mad scientist and he gets to see the adverse outcomes of the brain that wouldn't die!! Dun Dun Dunnn...Super cheesy indeed.


posted by psychobabbler @ 3:03 AM