Tuesday, June 14, 2005


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I watched this movie last night, and it was really well done. It stars Al Pacino as a NYC police officer named Frank Seripico. The movie takes place in the 1970's and that's apparent by the amount of crime in the streets and of course the wardrobe of the day. Serpico just came onto the force and right away he's flooded with scenarios of cops not doing their jobs. He sees them beating up criminals, robbing people and just about every other thing that they themselves should be arrested for. The movie shows his struggles to be a good cop in a bad environment. The film has really great acting in it from all actors, and is a true display of human drama. I feel Serpico's anger when he struggles to get out of the corruption, but no one will listen to him. The film was real powerful and was directed by the well respected Sidney Lumet. The film received a lot attention when it was released in 1973, and was fairly controversial at the time. It really raised eyebrows on the amount of crimes that police officers were getting away with. I highly recommend it.


posted by psychobabbler @ 7:23 PM